Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Review of Rich Islands for Adobe Flash

As an industrial engineer, I'm glad to see that SAP and Adobe are in collaboration to enrich interfaces of SAP applications. I've seen some of the examples at Adobe and immediately I find myself post here.

Firstly I want to explain how SAP and Adobe works together. I found an image that shows it in a simple way. Flash and Flex works are combined in a Flash SWF file and imported into Web Dynopro Component. Furthermore, application server can communicate with another Dynopro control and, data and event packages can move in two ways by using Rich Islands for Adobe Flash.

SAP Rich Islands for the Adobe Flash Platform

And now let's see the capabilities of these applications and how can visualize the SAP applications.

Interactive Data Visualization
: You know flex graph are so dynamic and visually smart. But there is an interesting view of doing daily jobs. I think this sample is worth to take your time.

Production Monitoring is a real time simulation of an assembly line. Yes, you can see which job is bottleneck in this period of time. What an exciting project will it be...

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