Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Top 5 Questions at AIR:Developer FAQ

I listed my favorite 5 questions related with AIR Developer FAQ. Adobe Labs answers lots of other questions. Visit Labs for any questions.

5. What is the Adobe Integrated Runtime?

Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is a cross-operating system runtime being developed by Adobe that allows developers to leverage their existing web development skills (Flash, Flex, HTML, JavaScript, Ajax) to build and deploy rich Internet applications (RIAs) to the desktop.

4. Is Adobe AIR free (as in beer)?

Yes. Adobe AIR will be free (similar to Flash Player and Adobe Reader).

3. Where can I see an example of a badge that demonstrates the express install feature included in the Beta?

Currently, all of the Adobe AIR sample applications demonstrate the badge install experience. When a user clicks the Install Now button, the badge checks to see whether Adobe AIR is installed on the current machine. If Adobe AIR is not installed, it will install the runtime and then the application. If it is already installed, it will just install the application.

2. Is Adobe AIR a web browser?

No. Adobe AIR is a cross-operating system runtime that runs outside of the browser. Theoretically you could build a web browser on top of Adobe AIR.

1. Is Adobe AIR an exe / projector creator?

No. Adobe AIR is a cross-operating system runtime that runs on the user's system. One of the advantages of this is that Adobe AIR application installation files can be much smaller, as it does not require that the entire runtime engine be distributed with each and every copy of the application. It also allows us to integrate the technologies together (Flash, HTML, PDF) on a much lower level than may otherwise be feasible. Finally, it allows us to provide a more standardized and consistent security model for Adobe AIR applications and users.

For more questions

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fuze official beta download - An AIR Application

I run aross an air application which called fuze that is all-in-one messenger application. First you must setup Adobe AIR then run fuze AIR application. Fuze is now available at very first beta 0.1.1 vesion. However you must try to see what Adobe FLEX and AIR can do. Thanks to Mike Huntington


"FUZE is an all-in-one instant messenger built on top of Adobe Air. The messenger was built using FLEX, HTML and takes advantage of AIR’s windowing, SQL, and File System API’s. FUZE’s design is thanks to ScaleNine… make sure you visit their website, they have great resources for FLEX UI Designers and Developers. The current BETA version is a “LITE” version of FUZE and does not contain all the major features which the final version will provide such as… Facebook integration, Chat rooms, YouTube features, Webcam, and File Sharing."

Friday, August 24, 2007

August 2007 Adobe Education Campus News in Detail

The content below is about the august news of Adobe Education Campus. I was trimmed some important (maybe useful) parts of the newsletter.

Roadtrip Nation

“The Roadtrip Nation Movement was born out of this question, and the idea that hitting the road to meet with inspirational leaders from all walks of life could help people figure it out.
Started by a group of recent college grads who set out to discover their own roads, Roadtrip Nation has evolved into a National PBS Series, student roadtrip movement on over 350 colleges, three books and a growing online network at roadtripnation.com - all of which help people discover their own roads in life based on individuality, passion, and exploration.” Learn more about Roadtrip Nation

Visual Design: Foundations of Design and Print Production

Visual Design is a year-long, project-based curriculum that develops ICT, career, and communication skills in print and graphic design using Adobe tools. You can use the Visual Design curriculum in career and technical education courses and in courses involving photography, graphic design, and English/language arts.” Learn more About Visual Design

Digital Design: Foundations of Web Design

Digital Design is a year-long curriculum guide that develops ICT skills in web design and production using Adobe web tools. You can use Digital Design in career and technical education courses as well as general web design classes.” Learn more about Digital Design

Digital Video: Foundations of Video Design and Production

“The Digital Video project-based curriculum develops career and communication skills in video production, using Adobe tools. You can use the Digital Video curriculum in career and technical education courses as well as courses involving video use in academic courses.” Learn more about Digital Video

If you want to see more resources, look over whole newsletter.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

How to Do an RSS Reader with Adobe Flex

This tutorial is about developing an RSS Feeder experience by using Adobe Flex. You may dig out detailed information if learning Adobe Flex is desired by you.

Let's apply RSS application to Flex.

<?xml version="1.0"

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"

creationComplete="feedRequest.send ()"

Common mxml entrance




useProxy="false" />

BBC News RSS url and other options

<mx:Panel x="10" y="10"
width="475" height="400"

Title of RSS Feed

id="dgPosts" x="20" y="20" width="400"


<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Posts"

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Date" dataField="pubDate"
width="150" />



List RSS feed items

<mx:LinkButton x="20"
y="225" label="Read Full Post" click="navigateToURL(new
URLRequest( dgPosts.selectedItem.link));"/>

Link selected item to the button

n}" x="20"
y="275" width="400"/>

A little description of the selected item with htmlText



I will publish detailed Flex tutorials asap if i have enough time.