Wednesday, November 28, 2007

An Experience with Adobe Media Player on Labs

Adobe released a media player application which can be run on Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) environment. I liked this appication

You can simply downlad AIR from (for Windows 9MB)

or (for Macintosh 8MB)

After AIR setup , you will download Adobe Media Player .air setup file from

After all setups, we can look some benefits and properties of that application. When I was downloading Adobe Media Player, I guess to see an application like windows media player. But it’s so different from Windows Media Player. Firstly, it is an application for watching videos from internet. Saying ”videos” is so simple for Adobe Media Player. After opening application, you can see the catalog button at the middle of the screen.

I call this application as “internet TV” :) because you can spend so much time with this application. All media can be chosen from catalog link or can be added by entering the feed file url. When you watch a video from your genre or show, the application automatically link it to downloads tab and you can archive your viewed videos and easily watch without downloading. Have Fun!

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