Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fuze official beta download - An AIR Application

I run aross an air application which called fuze that is all-in-one messenger application. First you must setup Adobe AIR then run fuze AIR application. Fuze is now available at very first beta 0.1.1 vesion. However you must try to see what Adobe FLEX and AIR can do. Thanks to Mike Huntington


"FUZE is an all-in-one instant messenger built on top of Adobe Air. The messenger was built using FLEX, HTML and takes advantage of AIR’s windowing, SQL, and File System API’s. FUZE’s design is thanks to ScaleNine… make sure you visit their website, they have great resources for FLEX UI Designers and Developers. The current BETA version is a “LITE” version of FUZE and does not contain all the major features which the final version will provide such as… Facebook integration, Chat rooms, YouTube features, Webcam, and File Sharing."

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